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Out With The Old & In With The New

Out With The Old & In With The New

Out With The Old & In With The New 1024 683 Smart

The Dark Ages…

Long gone are the days of the Simple Trade Era where the primary driver of sales was mass production – Manufacturing effectively and efficiently was the main concern for businesses. As we have rolled through the times, the Marketing game has continuously evolved from the dark ages of blindly throwing mass produced products at the consumer, into completely focused strategies while building customer-relationships.

So, what changed the game?

Until we understood the power of the internet, companies had an extremely tough time analysing their campaigns/strategies throughout the spectrum – 2012 bought us the Digital Switch Over… which connected the gap between Internet, TV & Radio Advertising. This meant that companies could now see Analytics of every campaign and pin point exactly who their demographics are and then use that information to build completely targeted campaigns to maximise their effectiveness.

Moving on…

As technology continuously develops… The gap between physical space and the digital world is getting shorter. By combining architecture, design and technology; Marketers can now accurately convey tailored messages down to an individual and record results in real time. Which enables us to design the technology infrastructures needed to create the experiences today’s employees and customers demand.

That’s where Rock comes in…

In order to achieve seamless connectivity, we have created a wide spectrum of Smart Services. These solutions offer your business a variety of reliable and efficient connectivity options ranging from Networks and Firewalls, to Smart WiFi and Hardware procurement. Our diverse product set provides you with state-of-the-art connectivity options enabling you to optimise your business performance.

Take a look at our SMART SERVICES for more information about how we can help you move from the dark ages and into the future.