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Now That’s Smart Wi-Fi

Now That’s Smart Wi-Fi

Now That’s Smart Wi-Fi 5760 3840 Smart

All Retailers have one goal in common – To attract and retain customers. Where they differ, is how…

The bone of contention for retailers mainly rests between push and pull marketing, especially in the era of mobile phones and the internet. Each marketing avenues offer pros and cons to the Retailer, but the key is to find a perfect blend of the two to maximise individual campaigns and obtaining a higher percentage of potential new sales, on top of targeted sales towards loyal-brand, or returning consumers.

Many retailers lean towards loyalty schemes that reward consumers for an exchange of gathering information on social media, product reviews, previous transactions, purchase behaviour and other demographic data.

If this data is incorporated into mobile strategies, retailers can potentially hit jackpot on their ROI’s… For example, by tailoring the offers that show up on a shopping or brand-specific mobile app and issuing push promotions based on previous mobile searches, these hybrid strategies can be used to execute precisely targeted promotions and drive more revenues.

In comparison to people counting and POS-data, WiFi can analyse entire (and repeat) visits to a store, it provides real-time data from entire store spaces, and it’s also capable for providing wayfinding and proximity-based services and marketing for opt-in customers. Importantly, none of the above uses require an app to be installed on customers’ devices, meaning a significantly better ability to reach people compared to app based technologies.

Using the Concept of these tools, Our Smart WiFi not boasts a high quality WiFi service, but can provide you with a solid infrastructure needed to gain valuable insights to enable you to increase ROI the smart way.

Take a look at our SMART WIFI for more information about our services for the Retail Industry.