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New Year… New Ideas?

New Year… New Ideas?

New Year… New Ideas? 5760 3840 Smart

Once again, we arrive at the start of a new academic year…

No doubt that your organisation would have been working throughout the summer whilst your students were away – but have you achieved everything you wanted over the summer break?

Wireless networks in schools, colleges and universities are transforming the education sector. Having WiFi on premise offers both students and teachers innovative methods of communication and learning; from interactive whiteboards, access to online videos, and making use of handheld devices to encourage collaborative learning.

Does your current network solution provide the necessary requirements for your students?

Rock understand that one of the biggest hurdles for Schools and Organisations to achieve the ideal WiFi environment they desire, is the high capital expenditure involved to achieve such a project – This is why we boast our SWaaS package (Smart WiFi as a Service).

SWaaS eliminates these barriers-to-entry and reduces payment to a single monthly payment, the best part of all is that we will fully support and service your WiFi, ensuring that you and your business can ALWAYS boast premium connectivity.

With SWaaS, your Students and Teachers can benefit from a fully managed, premium wireless network for a monthly payment, no long contract, no lease agreement… Just a monthly subscription

You can find out more by emailing us via our contact us page to arrange a free survey to provide SWaaS pricing guidelines.